Why Am I Always In Fat Burn Zone
I am (almost) always in the fat burn zone
I know I have a high heart rate. I am actually in hospital right now for stress and am getting my heart rate monitored quite regularly. Even just sitting down and "relaxing" my heart rate can be as high as 110, but I've only seen it below 90 once.
I'm 25 and my fitbit has decided that my Fat Burn zone starts at 97 - which I can reach even when lying down.
Should I turn on Custom Max Heart Rate, and if so, what should I set that number to?
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level 1
Another thing to note is that the only factor Fitbit looks at to determine your fat burn/cardio/peak zones is your age (source). So your fitbit is showing the same fat burn zone as it would for a 25-year-old marathon runner, even though they might have a resting heart rate of 50. So I would take the fat burn/cardio/peak zones as nothing more than a very general idea of how hard your heart is working.
level 2
So is there like a better max heart rate for me? Should I increase the max heart rate? How can I work out that number?
level 1
I would take the heart rate data on fitbit with a grain of salt. However, if you are truly getting a heart rate of 110 while sitting and/or laying down I strongly suggest you start doing small non-strenuous walks and talk to a doctor.
level 2
I'm in a hospital for stress and other stuff.
level 1
If you are in the hospital on heart monitors there's a heart rate that if you go above your monitor will alarm and buzz your nurse/doctor(probably) you could ask your doctor/nurse what that number is, drop it alittle and use it for Fitbit max
level 1
I would talk to a doctor directly about this, even being in a hospital. I would not alter anything without asking them first.
Why Am I Always In Fat Burn Zone
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/fitbit/comments/8dmaw6/i_am_almost_always_in_the_fat_burn_zone/
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